Term 1 Report Cards are now available in Aspen! Check your email for a notification!
5 months ago, Rebecca Paulhus
Join us for our monthly PTO meeting tonight at 6:00pm in our NAMS Media Center!
5 months ago, Rebecca Paulhus
All Grade 6 students will be getting new Chromebooks and Chargers tomorrow! Please have your student bring their Chromebook AND Charger to school tomorrow to exchange them
5 months ago, Rebecca Paulhus
Dismissal on Wednesday Nov 22nd is 10:45am for the North Attleboro Middle School. Check your email if you want to order a lunch for your child on Wednesday!
6 months ago, Rebecca Paulhus
Another reminder that students at the North Attleboro Middle School are being dismissed today and tomorrow at 10:15am for Parent Conferences
6 months ago, Rebecca Paulhus
A few updates on Parent Conferences this week. Parent Conferences are Thursday (11/16) 12:00pm - 2:15pm, 6:00pm - 8:00pm Friday (11/17) 11:30am - 2:15pm All Parent Conferences are in-person at the Middle School. You can enter the building through either the front doors or Door B, which is in the back. Students will be dismissed at 10:15am on Thursday (11/16) and Friday (11/17). If you would like your child to have lunch at school before they leave, please complete the form that was included in an email that was sent. Also in the email is the link to sign up for a conference if you haven't already. Please be sure to give yourself time in-between each conference.
6 months ago, Rebecca Paulhus
Come support the Senior Class’ Annual Student vs Staff Basketball Game this Thursday, November 16 at 5 pm in the NAHS gym! It’s open for everyone in the community! Tickets will be sold at the door for $5, and a 50/50 raffle will also take place during the game! Go Big Red!
6 months ago, North Attleborough Public Schools
Tomorrow are Picture Retakes. If your child was absent on Friday October 6th, they will be given a pass to come down and have their picture taken. If your child had their picture taken already and you would like them to have their picture taken again, please either email echagnon@naschools.net or send them in tomorrow morning with a note stating that you would like their picture retaken. That note should be brought to the main office by your child in the morning.
6 months ago, Rebecca Paulhus
Poppin Popcorn Fundraiser starts today! Please check your email for details! Families just need to register and share! It's that simple. Items will be shipped directly to buyers. Money that is raised supports events, field trips, supplies and much more at NAMS!!
7 months ago, Rebecca Paulhus
Poppin Popcorn Fundraiser
Thank you to everyone who donated Halloween Costumes! Our bin is overflowing! Tomorrow is the last day to donate! Costumes will then be brought to the Park & Rec Office. They will be free of charge to families starting the week of October 9th until October 31st.
7 months ago, Rebecca Paulhus
Halloween Costumes!
Check your email for our Thursday Newsletter. One correction about pictures. Pictures are tomorrow. You will receive a preview of your student's picture in about a week or two. Along with the picture will be directions on how to order prints.
7 months ago, Rebecca Paulhus
Our first PTO meeting will be held tomorrow night at 6:00pm in the Media Center! We would love to see you there to learn about the different ways our families can support our NAMS students!
8 months ago, Rebecca Paulhus
Thank you to everyone who came to Open House last night! It was great to see so many families meeting our amazing staff!
8 months ago, Rebecca Paulhus
Team Fusion
Related Arts
Team Revolution
Team Liberty
The start time for tonight's School Committee meeting has been delayed to 6:30 pm due to the tornado warning.
8 months ago, North Attleborough Public Schools
POTENTIAL BUS ISSUES FOR HOPPIN HILL AVE. & DRAPER AVE. As of 6:25 am, both roads are still closed due to flooding. Busses may not be able to travel down either road. Any student not able to attend school due to these road closures will also have excused absences. We apologize for the service interruption.
8 months ago, North Attleborough Public Schools
To honor 9/11, students made announcements this morning and held moments of silence. Each student went outside to our 9/11 memorial and helped place flags at the driveway of the school representing each life lost on 9/11. This project was in partnership with NAHS.
8 months ago, Rebecca Paulhus
9/11 Memorial
9/11 Memorial
Students at 9/11 Memorial
Flags on Wilson Whitty Way
Check your emails for our Thursday Newsletter!
8 months ago, Rebecca Paulhus
It was a great first few days at NAMS! Check out our Thursday Newsletter that was sent in an email!
9 months ago, Rebecca Paulhus
Today and tomorrow is New Teacher Orientation. Welcome to the newest members of the Big Red family!
9 months ago, John Antonucci
New Teachers
Check your email for our first Thursday Newsletter of the 2023-2024 school year!
9 months ago, Rebecca Paulhus
Thursday Newsletter